Results of a set of experiments examining the effects of regulations governing production of genetically modified (GM) foods on consumers' risk perception and self-risk responsibility is published in the Journal of PLOS ONE.
The results showed policy designs regarding genetically modified (GM) foods affect perceived risk responsibility among health-conscious consumers. The study showed how policies governing production of GM foods affect consumers' cognitive information processing in terms of perceived risk, self-control, and risk responsibility. Consumers showed more tendency to perceive higher levels of risk and lower level of control over risks in policy scenarios where GM food is available on the market compared with policies where GM food is banned. Researchers also analyzed whether the effect of policy design is moderated by types of risks (ie, health related risks, environmental risks, socio-economic risks, and ethical concerns).
“Health-conscious EU consumers tend to attribute less responsibility to self if a genetically modified product will become commercialized.”
The results showed that consumers perceived higher health related risks in comparison with other risk types. The findings also indicated that health-conscious consumers tend to attribute less responsibility to self in situations where a genetically modified product was commercialized. These findings indicate a need to clarify guideline recommendations for health-related risks associated with foods derived from biotechnology.