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My Research Projects

Centered on tech-driven decision-making for sustainability, my research investigates factors affecting the acceptance of novel technologies, and strategic use of technology to drive sustainable innovative business models particularly in the agri-food domain. Furthermore, my research explores how the integration of sustainable practices within innovation ecosystems influences internationalization strategies and outcomes for businesses.

Colorful Disks

Internationalization & Innovation Ecosystems 

Internationalization and Innovation Ecosystems refer to the processes, strategies, and structures that organizations engage in to expand their presence and activities on a global scale while fostering innovation.

Examples of research projects include:

3D Swirl

Social Acceptance of Novel Tech

Exploring the societal embrace of emerging technologies, with a focus on understanding public perceptions and attitudes towards novel and sustainable tech innovations.

Examples of research projects include:

Splash Fluid

Technology-Driven Business Model Innovation

Delving into the realm of Innovative Business Models, my research focuses on the design, implementation, and impact of innovations to creating and capturing value in the ever-evolving business landscape.

Some examples of research projects include:

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